New Research Tool for UF Students, Faculty, and Staff:

The UF George A. Smathers Libraries are now subscribers to, the first statistics portal in the world to integrate data on over 60,000 topics from over 18,000 sources onto a single professional platform. Categorized into 21 market sectors, provides companies, business customers, research institutions, and the academic community with direct access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets.

Faculty, students, and staff can download graphs, which will be a useful resource for student papers and faculty lectures as well as a reference tool that indexes, sources, and links to original sources of data.

For more information, contact Peter McKay, Business Librarian, at or 352-273-2634.

Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Education Research News

The IES periodically publishes its own newsletter of grant-related information on its website. The current issue includes information on the following:

  • Use of technology in research projects
  • Regional Educational Laboratory partnership with public television to disseminate research findings
  • Results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress Economics Report Card
  • IES grantees receive research and journal awards
  • National Center for Education Evaluation & Regional Assistance work with ED program offices on large-scale evaluations
  • New Fast Facts from the National Center for Education Statistics
  • Webinars on upcoming funding opportunities

To view the newsletter or subscribe, see

New Effort Reporting Classes Are Available

Research administration staff members have been advised to complete two new effort reporting classes to better assist them in answering questions from faculty and principal investigators.

The RSH230 course is mandatory for any new individual who wants to acquire the effort coordinator role to allocate effort, and the RSH200 course explains how to use the system. The classes were designed by the Division of Sponsored Research, Contracts and Grants, and Human Resources. All people involved with budgeting and managing sponsored funds are strongly encouraged to complete these online courses.  For more information, please contact the Division of Sponsored Research.

Awarded Projects for May 2013

College of Education – Awarded Projects – May 2013
Principal Investigator: Elayne Colón (Dean’s Area)
Co-PI: Thomas Dana (Dean’s Area), Theresa Vernetson (Dean’s Area)
Funding Agency: Florida Department of Education
Project Title: Revision of Standard Guidelines for Initial Teacher Preparation Programs
Project Period: 04/18/2013—06/30/2013
Award Amount: $45,000.00

Submitted Projects for May 2013

College of Education – Submitted Projects – May 2013
Principal Investigator: Marisa Stukey (PK Yonge)
Co-PI: Christy Garison (PK Yonge)
Funding Agency: Florida Department of Education
Proposal Title: District Evaluation Systems Monitoring
Requested Amount: $30,000.00
Principal Investigator: Hazel Jones (SESPECS)
Co-PI: Kristi Cheyney (SESPECS)
Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
Proposal Title: A Visual-Ethographic Investigation/Installation: Early Literacy Prazis within the Subsidized Childcare System
Requested Amount: $50,000.00
Principal Investigator: Donald Pemberton (Lastinger Center)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families
Proposal Title: Zero to Three: Doris Duke Part B
Requested Amount: $93,500.00
Principal Investigator: Donna Neff (College of Nursing)
Co-PI: David Miller (SHDOSE)
Funding Agency: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Proposal Title: Simulation Team Training for Timely Intervention During Respiratory Deterioration
Requested Amount: $30,624.00