U.S. ED Releases Proposed Priorities for Competitive Grant Programs

The U.S. Department of Education (U.S. ED) has released the Secretary’s proposed priorities for competitive grant programs. The priorities will allow U.S. ED and program participants to focus limited federal resources in areas of greatest educational need and on multiple issues related to improving student outcomes.

U.S. ED will consider comments before issuing the final priorities. Comments must be submitted on or before November 13, 2017.

For more information about these priorities, including the rationale for each, and to submit comments, view the Federal Register notice.

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Grants.gov Phases Out Legacy PDF Application Package

In the past, applicants have downloaded and filled out a single, big PDF application package that contained all the forms (i.e., the “legacy PDF application package”). To improve the application experience Grants.gov launched Workspace in October 2015. By December 31, 2017, the 2-year lead time for transitioning will end, and the legacy PDF application package will be retired.

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UF Office of Research: Limited Submission Process

Funding agencies are increasingly restricting the number of applications an institution can submit in response to many funding opportunities. The UF Office of Research has established guidelines for selecting the proposal (or proposals) that will be submitted in response to a limited submission program.

A review of the limited submission process and relevant links are provided below:

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UF Information Technology: New, Updated Research Computing Storage Options

UFIT Research Computing has updated its storage offerings.  The UF prices, which are subsidized, have not changed. The new storage option ($25/TB/year) is called the “orange” option, while the existing /ufrc storage is now the “blue” option. The options support different use cases, summarized at Help > Getting Started > Storage.

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Awarded Projects for October 2017

Congratulations to Michael Bowie and Nancy Waldron for their award from the Florida Department of Education; Mary Brownell, Margaret “Meg” Kamman, and Erica McCray for their award from the US Department of Education/OSEP; Dennis Kramer for his IPA assignment from the General Services Administration; Donald Pemberton for his award from the University of Florida Foundation, Helios Education Foundation Flow Through; Donald Pemberton and Philip Poekert for their award from the Florida’s Office of Early Learning; Philip Poekert for his award from the Alachua County School Board; Philip Poekert for his award from Study Edge; and Patricia Snyder and Mary McLean for their award from the Santa Clara Office of Education.

For more details, see the Awarded Projects table.

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Submitted Projects for October 2017

Best wishes to Susan Butler and Nancy Ruzycki for their proposal to the National Science Foundation; Carlos Vallejos, Kent Crippen,  Salvador Gezan, Melanie Correll, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Maia Martcheva, and Ana Conesa for their proposal to the National Science Foundation;  Kara Dawson for her proposal to Pacific University, National Science Foundation Flow Through; Donald Pemberton for his proposal to the Sue Dickson’s Songs That Teach; Donald Pemberton for his proposal to Study Edge; Philip Poekert and  Donald Pemberton for their proposal to Study Edge; Philip Poekert  for his proposal to Study Edge; Rose Pringle for her proposal to Georgia State University, National Science Foundation Flow Through; and Patricia Snyder for her proposal to the University of North Carolina, US Department of Education/OSEP Flow Through.

For more details, see the Submitted Projects table.

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