UF IT Upgrades Lynda.com to LinkedIn Learning

On May 6, UF IT upgraded the Lynda.com service to Linkedin Learning. The enhanced online learning platform will remain free to all students, faculty, and staff with valid GatorLink credentials.

Your account settings and course history have been migrated, along with any training bookmarks, exercise files, and certificates you have downloaded. All current UF-Lynda.com users will receive an email from Linkedin Learning with a link to activate your new account.

The Linkedin Learning platform includes all Lynda course content plus an additional 6,000 online skill-building education options.

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Adobe Reader Version Compatibility with Grants.gov

As of May 1, 2019, Adobe Reader Version 9 will no longer be compatible for use with Grants.gov Workspace PDF forms. This is a reminder to keep your Adobe Acrobat Reader software up-to-date. Applicants may now opt to use browser-based online forms, instead of PDF forms.

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Grant Writing: 3 Tips for Crafting Need Statements in Federal Grant Proposals

Posted on March 27, 2019 by Grants.gov 

The following tips about crafting a need statement have been adapted from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources & Services Administration’s grant writing guide, Tips for Writing and Submitting Good Grant Proposals.

Tip 1:   Address the need that the funding opportunity is intended to fill — not the organization’s need for funding.

Tip 2:   Communicate the organization’s familiarity with addressing the defined need.

Tip 3:   Illustrate the need with a concise but concrete story. 

Each tip is accompanied by an excerpt from an award-winning federal grant proposal.  Read more

Awarded Projects for April 2019

No new awards for April 2019

Submitted Projects for April 2019

Best wishes to Christy Gabbard for her proposal to the Florida Department of Education; Maya Israel for her proposal to the National Science Foundation; Herman Knopf for his subcontract proposal Administration for Children and Families Flow Through from the University of Alabama; Kathrin Maki for her subcontract proposal Society for the Study of School Psychology Flow Through from the University of South Dakota; Philip Poekert and Paige Pullen for their proposals to the U.S. Department of Education and the Charleston County School District; Philip Poekert for his subcontract U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Flow Through from WestEd; and Philip Poekert for his proposal to the School Board of Seminole County.

For more details, see the Submitted Projects table.

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Research Spotlight: Hannah Bayne

Q & A with Hannah Bayne, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education

What basic questions does your research seek to answer?

My research is concerned with the overarching question of human connection and understanding. How can we connect with one another in a way that generates genuine relationship, allows for expression and exploration of deepest pain, and facilitates healing? I am interested in exploring this question from a variety of angles — factors that enable connection, as well as factors that complicate or restrict relationship and understanding. For this reason, I am primarily interested in empathy as a skill that fosters deep understanding and connection. I also look at factors that can divide people, such as values conflicts and cultural dynamics, and explore how counselors can work within and beyond these conflicts to build rapport and expand their understanding of clients who may be very different from them.
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President Submits FY 2020 Budget Request to Congress

On March 11, President Trump submitted his Fiscal Year 2020 budget request to Congress.

For the U.S. Department of Education (U.S. ED), the FY 2020 Budget Request includes $64.0 billion in new discretionary budget authority, a 10% decrease from the FY 2019 appropriation. The FY 2020 budget request includes $13.5 billion for Special Education programs and $521.6 million for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). The IES request is $93.9 million less than the FY 2019 appropriation. There are six major initiatives in the FY 2020 budget request for the U.S. ED.

For the National Science Foundation (NSF), the FY 2020 Budget Request includes $7.1 billion, a 9.6% decrease from the FY 2018 actual level and a 12.6% decrease from the FY 2019 enacted level. FY 2020 funding will support approximately 8,000 new research grants. In FY 2020, the NSF will continue to support science, technology, innovation, and workforce development as well as its 10 Big Ideas.

For the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the FY 2020 Budget Request includes a program level of $34.4 billion, a 12.5% decrease from the $39.3 billion received in FY 2019. The FY 2020 budget request includes for the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) $1.6 billion; National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) $271 million; and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) $1.3 billion. In FY 2020, NIH will focus on three major areas.

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Proposed Priorities for IES and Request for Comment

Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Director Mark Schneider proposes priorities to guide IES research and provides a 60-day period for the public to comment. When he submits the priorities to the National Board for Education Sciences for approval, all comments received will be provided as well. Once approved, the board will transmit the priorities to the appropriate congressional committees.

The deadline for public comment is Tuesday, May 28, 2019.

How to Submit Comments: Submit your comments through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at https://www.regulations.gov/. Only include information that you wish to make publicly available.

Please see the full notice in the Federal Register: Proposed Priorities for the Institute of Education Sciences and Request for Comment. ID: ED-2019-IES-0017-0001 [Docket ID: ED-2019-IES-0017]

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NCES Announces the 2019 NCES STATS-DC Data Conference

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is accepting proposals for the STATS-DC Data Conference, July 24–26, 2019 in Washington, DC. This year’s theme is “Providing Evidence to Drive Education.” The conference is free and open to the public.

The deadline to submit a proposal is Friday, April 19, 2019.

To submit a concurrent session or exhibitor proposal, please visit https://ies.ed.gov/whatsnew/conferences/?id=5024

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What Works Clearinghouse Offers New Webinar: Missing Data in Group Design Studies

Join the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) for a free webinar on the new guidelines for reviewing analyses with missing or imputed data under the WWC Standards Handbook, Version 4.0.

April 11, 2019
12:00–1:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Register here

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UF IRB Training Has Been Shortened

In the effort to streamline and target training for UF\Shands\VA researchers\research staff, effective March 21, 2019, the only IRB required training will be IRB Training (IRB803), which will be valid for three years. This training combines the content of CITI/NIH, HIPAA for Research, and IRB Local training. Every three years going forward, you will only need to complete the IRB803 training, which will be updated periodically. On average, this effort will shorten IRB required training by two hours.

As a reminder, UF IRBs review all research involving human subjects, data, or tissues. This includes research conducted off-site by university faculty and staff when acting as university employees or in connection with their university affiliation, as well as any work happening at a subaward or contractor’s site. Only the UF IRB (not the faculty, department, or DSP) can determine if your work is exempt from these regulations or agree to be covered by the subaward or contractors assurance.

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Let UFIT Enable Your Funding Proposal

UFIT can help make your proposal more competitive. Some of the ways UFIT facilitates proposal preparation are as follows:

  • Providing the cost of the computing services or hardware acquisition needed for the proposal’s budget form
  • Preparing a research computing commitment letter, if required by the funding agency (UFIT staff are happy to write a letter for your specific project.)
  • Supplying a description of the research computing facilities utilized in support of your project for the proposal’s facilities section

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UFIT Upgrades Storage System for UF Research

UFIT recently took delivery of a new storage system to replace the aging system currently in use. The new Qumulo storage system offers several options for researchers not in the current storage service, including the ability to easily scale-out the system if more space is needed for their files.

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Awarded Projects for March 2019

Congratulations to Pavlo “Pasha” Antonenko, Kara Dawson, Amber Benedict, and Swarup Bhunia for their award from the National Science Foundation; and Lynda Hayes for her award from the Florida Department of Education.

For more details, see the Awarded Projects table.

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Submitted Projects for March 2019

Best wishes to Elizabeth Bondy for her proposals to the Alachua County School Board; Lynda Hayes for her proposal to the Florida Department of Education; Maya Israel for her subcontract proposal U.S. Department of Education Flow Through from the Technical Education Research Center; Justin Ortagus for his proposal to the Laura and John Arnold Foundation; Justin Ortagus for his proposal to the Joyce Foundation; Philip Poekert for his proposal to the Lafayette Parish School System; and Melissa Ralston for her proposal to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

For more details, see the Submitted Projects table.

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