UF Office of Research Changes Policy Regarding the Submission of Research Proposals

The UF Office of Research has issued a policy change regarding the submission of research proposals. Please note the implication for the College of Education.

UF Office of Research: The new policy for submitting proposals to UFIRST is 9 AM one business day prior to the date of the sponsor’s deadline.

COE OER: The new policy for submitting proposals and all supporting components of a completed proposal such as subcontract proposals, cost share commitments, approved budget, etc. is 9 AM two business days* prior to the date of the sponsor’s deadline. For example, proposals due any time on a Friday will need to be fully submitted to OER/Brian Lane no later than 9 AM on the previous Wednesday.

*For efforts such as IES and NSF when the college typically has multiple proposals, OER will offer PIs a schedule for submission that may be earlier than two business days prior to the sponsor’s deadline.

Please let OER know if you have any questions related to implications of this new policy for COE.

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New NSF Account Management System Is Effective March 26

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is changing its digital platform from Fastlane to Research.gov. Beginning on April 30, 2018, you will be able to prepare and submit full, research non-collaborative proposals in Research.gov. The initial release of this new Research.gov capability will run in parallel with existing FastLane proposal preparation and submission capabilities, so you can choose to prepare and submit full, research non-collaborative proposals in Research.gov or in FastLane starting on April 30.

In anticipation of this official change, NSF has updated the process for registering new users. Starting March 26, 2018, you will be able to register new users  for a single NSF ID with one password and one profile to access both Fastlane and Research.gov for proposal and award activities, functions, and communication with NSF.  Previously, only UF Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) could facilitate this process on behalf of new users.

If you already have an NSF ID, you do not need to register for a new NSF ID. 

If you have been accessing Research.gov under a Visitor Login, this feature has been discontinued as of March 26. You will need to login using your NSF ID or, if you do not possess one, register for a new NSF ID.

As always, DSP is available to answer questions and assist the UF community with this change.  Please email DSP at ufproposals@ufl.edu.

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Apply for 2018-19 UF Leadership Development Programs by May 1

A call for applications for the 2018-19 UF Leadership Development programs sponsored by UF Human Resources Training and Organizational Development is now in progress, with an application deadline of May 1.

Apply today for the UF Academy, the university’s emerging leader program, or the Advanced Leadership for Academics and Professionals (ALAP) program. Participants in both programs, which will begin in the fall of 2019, are selected via a competitive application process.

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NSF Issues Dear Colleague Letter on Growing Convergence Research

The National Science Foundation (NSF) identified Growing Convergence Research at NSF as one of the 10 Big Ideas for Future NSF Investment. NSF defines convergence research as research integrated across disciplines and driven by a specific and compelling problem. The convergence paradigm builds upon transdisciplinary approaches by bringing together diverse scientists and/or engineers in collaborations that can generate multiple solutions to complex problems.

A March 2018 Dear Colleague Letter from NSF seeks to identify potential future research areas that go beyond the 10 Big Ideas and require a convergence approach. NSF encourages the submission of prospectuses to identify these new areas and specific projects within them.

Interested researchers may submit a prospectus to convergpro@nsf.gov.


For FY 2018 funding submit by May 1, 2018

For FY 2019 funding submit by October 15, 2018

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NSF Offers CAREER Program Webinar

The National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Coordinating Committee will host a webinar May 15, 2018 from 1 pm – 3 pm EST to answer participants’ questions about development and submission of proposals to the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER).

The webinar will give participants the opportunity to interact with members of the NSF-wide CAREER Coordinating Committee in a question-and-answer format.

Participants should register in advance:

Participants may submit questions about CAREER proposal development and submission in advance of the webinar by sending an e-mail to careerwebinarqs@nsf.gov.  Questions received by May 11, 2018 will be considered for inclusion in the webinar.

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Demystifying Funding Opportunity Announcements on Grants.gov

Excerpted from Grants.gov blog posted on April 2, 2018

Grants.gov has developed the following tips to help applicants (especially those new to the federal grant application process) demystify Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA) and position themselves for a solid submission:

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Awarded Projects for March 2018

Congratulations to Philip Poekert for his award from the Lafayette Parish School System.

For more details, see the Awarded Projects table.

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Submitted Projects for March 2018

Best wishes to Philip Poekert for his proposal to Florida’s Office of Early Learning; Philip Poekert for his proposal to the School Readiness Coalition of Sarasota County; and Patricia Snyder for her Subcontract IES Flow Through from Mathematica Policy Research.

For more details, see the Submitted Projects table.

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OER Offers Research Series

The COE’s Office of Educational Research (OER) invites you to participate in a three-part research series. The series will focus on topics related to educational research best practices, UF/COE policies and procedures as they relate to principal investigators responsibilities, data management, and budget preparation & management.

Part 1 (Completed): IRB
Monday, March 12, 2018 Terrace Room, 10am–11am
Guest Presenter: Ivana Simic, Phd Education/Training Coordinator

Part 2: Data Security & Storage
Monday, April 23, 2018 G-520, 10am–11am
Presenter: Trace Choulat, Director COE Instructional Technology

Part 3: Pre & Post Award
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 Terrace Room, 10am–11am
Presenters: Rosabel Ruiz, Admin Services Crd 2
Brian Lane, Research Administrator II

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UF Office of Research Explains IRB Updates

In a February 23 presentation at the UF Clinical and Translations Science Institute (CTSI), UF Director of Research Operations and Services, Michael Mahoney, explained the recent changes to IRB-related training based on findings from the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) on-site inspection in January.

In order to meet AAHRPP requirements, the new IRB-related training went into effect on March 8.

Download the PowerPoint presentation AAHRPP + IRB Update.

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UF Office of Research Clarifies NSF Two-month Salary Limit Requirement

The National Science Foundation (NSF) limits salary compensation for senior personnel in the proposal budget to no more than two months of their salary in any one year. NSF requires institutions to define and consistently apply the term “year” and to specify the definition in the budget justification.

For this purpose, the UF Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) is defining “year” as calendar year.

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UF Office of Research Updates Commitment Entry Guidelines

Please note that the UF Commitment Entry Guidelines located on the Office of Research Effort Reporting & Management website and the Cost Analysis Effort Certification website have been updated.

While the changes are not substantial, the Office of Research would like to emphasize a few important points.

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UF International Center Announces Fulbright Awareness Month 2018

The UF International Center is pleased to announce that Fulbright Awareness Month will be celebrated from March 12 to April 12, 2018. Multiple informational sessions for students, scholars, faculty, and staff will provide opportunities to learn about the Fulbright application process, and to hear about the experiences of past Fulbright scholars and students.

Additionally this year, information sessions for faculty and students interested in applying for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program will be led by Peter VanDerwater, director of Outreach at the Council for International Exchange for Scholars in Washington, DC. He will also be available for individual consultations with interested applicants. To schedule an individual consultation, please email: canumba@ufic.ufl.edu

Below is the calendar of UF events programmed for Fulbright Awareness Month:

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NSF Releases Prospective New Awardee Guide

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released a Prospective New Awardee Guide effective January 2018 containing helpful information for understanding the requirements of managing a federal award.

In addition to complying with NSF regulations, recipients of NSF awards are required to comply with applicable federal requirements set forth in 2 CFR §200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. Prospective NSF awardees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the information contained within 2 CFR §200. Links to these regulations can be found on the NSF website at http://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/caar/index.jsp

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How to Forecast Potential Funding Opportunities in Grants.gov

You can search for potential funding opportunities that a federal agency plans to announce in the future by using the Grants.gov Search and checking “Forecasted” under Opportunity Status.

Agencies list opportunities as “forecasted” when funds are not yet available and are pending budgetary and discretionary spending approvals. Grants.gov encourages agencies to publish their forecasts in the Grants.gov Search; however, you may also find forecasted opportunities listed on the agency’s website.

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