From the IES Director: IES Plays the Long Game

More than a year ago, when the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) began to think about the Standards for Excellence in Education Research (SEER), no one imagined SEER would define characteristics of how IES structures so much of its work. Most of the SEER principles just seemed like good science and essential for good policy.

Over the coming weeks, the IES Director Mark Schneider plans a series of blogs starting with four components of SEER—with coverage of the other SEER domains likely. The first four are as follows:

  • Long-term outcomes
  • Costs
  • Core components
  • Common measures

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5 Essential Resources for New Federal Grant Applicants

No matter what screen you are on in, you can click the help icon which opens a new window with relevant articles. New applicants will want to bookmark several help-related resources for quick and easy access such as the following:

Training Videos

The YouTube Channel

Learn Grants

The Learn Grants section presents new applicants with a high-level overview of the Federal Grants world.

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Awarded Projects for July 2020

Congratulations to Chonika Coleman King for her subcontract award NSF Flow Through from the University of Tennessee; Maureen Conroy for her subcontract award NIH Flow Through from Virginia Commonwealth University; Justin Ortagus for his award from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation; Philip Poekert for his award from New Profit, Inc., Philip Poekert for his award from the School Board of Seminole County; and Paige Pullen and Philip Poekert for their award from Pinellas County.

For more details, see the Awarded Projects table.

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Submitted Projects for July 2020

Best wishes to Pasha Antonenko, Kara Dawson, Albert Ritzhaupt, and Jonathan Martin for their proposal to the National Science Foundation; Pasha Antonenko for his proposal to the National Science Foundation; Maureen Conroy for her subcontract proposal SRI International Flow Through from Virginia Commonwealth University; Lynda Hayes for her proposals to the Florida Department of Education; Herman Knopf for his subcontract proposal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Flow Through from Florida State University; Walter Leite for his proposal to the U.S. Department of Education/IES; Walter Leite, Paige Pullen, and Stephanie Snidarich for their proposal to the Spencer Foundation; Jennifer Park-Jadotte for her proposal to Children’s Services Council of Florida, Inc., Jennifer Park-Jadotte for her proposals to the Florida Office of Early Learning; Philip Poekert for his proposal to the Alachua County School Board; Paige Pullen and Philip Poekert for their proposal to the Florida Department of Education; Darbianne Shannon for her subcontract proposal Administration for Children and Families Flow Through from University of South Carolina; Patricia Snyder and James Algina for their subcontract proposal IES Flow Through from SRI International; Patricia Snyder and James Algina for their subcontract proposal IES Flow Through from Vanderbilt University; Patricia Snyder and Mary McLean for their proposal to NAPA County; Joni Splett for her subcontract proposal IES Flow Through from East Carolina University; Wanli Xing for his subcontract proposal NSF Flow Through from the University of San Diego; Wanli Xing and Zhihui Fang for their subcontract proposal Spencer Foundation Flow Through from Texas Tech University; and Wanli Xing for his proposal to the National Science Foundation.

For more details, see the Submitted Projects table.

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Next Steps in On-Campus Research Resumption: Progressing to Stage 3

From David P. Norton, Vice President for Research

It has been four weeks since we started the process of bringing UF researchers back on campus through the UF Research Resumption Plan. I want to thank everyone for their incredible efforts. Research activities of over 4,000 UF faculty, staff, post-docs, and graduate students were successfully reviewed and approved though the Research Activity Approval Portal. These efforts to reengage activities that were disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic are remarkably important to the research mission and objectives of our enterprise. Again, thank you for your resiliency, patience, and dedication.

Beginning June 18 2020, we have progressed to Stage 3 of the resumption plan.

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IES Offers FY 2021 Research Funding Opportunities On-Demand Webinars

The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) offers a series of on-demand webinars for those interested in FY 2021 funding opportunities. Topics available include the following:

  • IES Basic Overview of Research Grants and Information for New Applicants to IES: In this webinar, IES staff provide general information about the funding opportunities in NCER and NCSER, the research project types, and the peer review process. IES staff also provide tips for first-time applicants.
  • IES Grant Writing Workshop: This Grant Writing Workshop webinar focuses on in-depth information about preparing applications in response to Requests for Applications.
  • IES Application Process: During this Application Process webinar, IES staff provide information regarding the grant submission process. Topics focus on the application instructions, including content, registration, submission through, and application forms.

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IES Provides Resources to Support Cost Analysis Requirement

The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) is committed to having its funded researchers conduct appropriate economic analysis as part of their studies. To achieve this goal, IES has developed the Cost Analysis Starter Kit, providing a three-phased approach to the basics of cost analysis. IES is hopeful that the starter kit will help counter two common myths about cost analysis. The first is that cost analysis is complex and time consuming and the second is that cost analysis is a separate, distinct process from program evaluation.

IES is providing two additional supports. A cost analysis help desk is now available to assist IES applicants. Researchers can request technical assistance with planning or conducting their cost analysis from the Cost Analysis in Practice (CAP) Project Help Desk. Another resource designed to facilitate the estimation of costs and cost-effectiveness of educational programs is CostOut® – the CBCSE Cost Tool Kit.

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OER Holds Second Seminar Series 2020 Workshop

The UF Office of Educational Research (OER) will hold its second OER Seminar Series 2020 workshop. Please join the OER team via Zoom for an OER seminar on National Science Foundation (NSF) funding opportunities. NSF-funded COE faculty will join the OER team to share insights and provide important information. Please check your e-mail for an invitation with the Zoom link.

Date: Monday, July 13, 2020
Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

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Strategies for Securing Early Career Research Funding

Please join presenters Melodi Moore, University of Texas Galveston; Cristal P. Sanchez, Texas Tech; and Linda Galloway, Elsevier for a webinar to share services, solutions, and strategies in supporting early-career researchers’ discovery of funding opportunities—how to find them and how to maximize proposal success.

Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Time: 12:00 pm ET

Click here to register.

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UF Supports Artificial Intelligence Workshops

UF is offering workshop support to encourage education related to data-enabled science and engineering and foster interdisciplinary growth among UF’s research community. UF has earmarked up to $25,000 annually, allowing for six to eight awards per year. The deadline to apply for a Spring 2021 Workshop is August 1, 2020.

The Workshop Support program enables departments to host one to two day workshops in any area of data-enabled science and engineering and artificial intelligence (AI). Typical workshop activities include technical presentations, training seminars, or grant application planning. This program is not limited by discipline, and interdisciplinary workshops are highly encouraged.

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Migrating HiPerGator Data to Blue Storage

UFIT recently installed a new “blue” file storage system for all HiPerGator users. To transition files from the /ufrc file system to /blue, rolling migrations will be scheduled between June and August 2020.

HiPerGator users do not need to move their own data to prepare for using the blue storage. Users should instead remove any unneeded data prior to the scheduled transfer from /ufrc. UFIT will schedule transitions outside of normal business hours to avoid impacting research needs.

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Awarded Projects for June 2020

Congratulations to Crystal Bishop and Patricia Snyder for their award from the U.S. Department of Education/IES; Julie Brown, Mark Pacheco, and Ellen Davis for their award from the National Science Foundation; Christy Gabbard for her award from the Florida Department of Education; Ashley Pennypacker Hill for her award from the Florida Department of Education; Ashley MacSuga-Gage for her subcontract award Florida Department of Education Flow Through from the University of South Florida; Philip Poekert for his award from Orange County Public Schools; Darbianne Shannon for her award from the San Diego County Office of Education; and Ross Van Boven for his award from the Florida Department of Education.

For more details, see the Awarded Projects table.

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Submitted Projects for June 2020

Best wishes to Hannah Bayne and Jeffrey Pufahl for their proposal to the Spencer Foundation; Christopher Busey for his proposal to the William T. Grant Foundation; Maria Coady and Nidza Marichal for their proposal to the Spencer Foundation; Hitomi Greenslet, Kent Crippen, Nam Kim, Jorg Peters, and Dapeng Wu for their proposal to the National Science Foundation; Lynda Hayes for her proposal to the Florida Department of Education; Lynda Hayes and Karen Kilgore for their proposal to the Spencer Foundation; Latoya Haynes-Thoby, Ana Puig, Jacqueline Swank, and Sondra Smith for their proposal to the Spencer Foundation; Herman Knopf and Elizabeth Shenkman for their subcontract proposal ACF Flow Through from the Florida Office of Early Learning; Walte Leite and Wanli Xing for their proposal to the Spencer Foundation; Michelina MacDonald for her proposal to the National Education Association Foundation; Ashley MacSuga-Gage for her subcontract proposal Spencer Foundation Flow Through from the University of Helsinki; Justin Ortagus for his subcontract proposal Gates Foundation Flow Through from Pennsylvania State University; Jennifer Park-Jadotte for her subcontract proposal ACF Flow Through from the National Association for Family School & Community Engagement; Philip Poekert for his proposal to Lauren’s Kids; Philip Poekert for his proposal to the School Board of Seminole County; Paige Pullen for her proposal to the Detroit Public Schools Community District; Matthew Schmidt and Carla Schmidt for their proposal to the Spencer Foundation; Patricia Snyder, Herman Knopf, and Maureen Conroy for their subcontract proposal ACF Flow Through from the Florida Office of Early Learning; and Joni Splett for her subcontract proposal NIJ Flow Through from University of South Carolina.

For more details, see the Submitted Projects table.

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Next Steps in UF Research Resumption Plan: Progressing to Stage 2

Research activities of over 3,000 UF faculty, staff, post-docs, and graduate students were successfully reviewed and approved through the Research Activity Approval Portal. Beginning June 1, 2020, UF is progressing to Stage 2 of the UF Research Resumption Plan. For many, the most significant change will be an increase in the allowed density of people per laboratory.  For human subject research, the allowed resumption of diagnostic, screening, and interventional studies will expand activities as UF moves to Stage 2.

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UF IRB Offers Guidelines for Research Resumption

As UF Research moves to Stage 2 of research resumption, the UF Institutional Review Board (IRB) has provided guidelines for IRB requirements related to research resumption. For more information, please visit the UF Research Resumption Plan and UF IRB COVID-19 Response websites.

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