UF International Center (UFIC) Provides Updates for International Students Regarding COVID-19

U.S. Visa Services

U.S. visa services at embassies/consulates are closed until further notice. Some students have reported that when they checked the visa appointment calendar a starting schedule date pops up (e.g., May 7). This does not mean the embassy is accepting appointments. Instead, the embassy has blocked out all available appointments on the calendar to a particular day. When visa services resume, student visas will receive priority over other visas. Both I-20 (for F-1 visa) and DS-2019 (for J-1 visa) are eligible to be sent as an electronic copy during the pandemic crisis.

F-1 Students

Current F-1 students are allowed to finish online courses in the spring and continue in the summer and fall if UF is still fully online in fall. Transfer students or students who are changing their degree level and who are already in the U.S. can continue in the fall if UF is still online. For new summer admissions, the department needs to have them defer to the fall or, if online, they need to be pushed back to spring. UFIC will need to be notified for any information or academic changes made in order to update their I-20. Brand new international students for the fall will need to be deferred to spring if UF is fully online in fall or if visas are not issued in a timely manner due to U.S. embassies/consulates closures. New students can receive a partial deferment by allowing them to enroll in online courses for the fall and then to be physically present in the spring. The new international students can only enroll in online courses while remaining abroad without a visa.

J-1 Students

J-1 student visas can be switched to F-1 without leaving the country; however, the wait time is currently eight or more months. For J-1 students or for students who are currently in the U.S. and are changing their visa status to F-1, the usual process is to return to their home country and then re-enter under the new F-1 category. Please note that when they do this, they will lose their eligibility to be able to continue in the fall fully online and still be in the U.S. They will need to re-establish their physical presence and will be classified as a new student, which includes the spring deferment if UF is fully online in the fall. All J-1 visas holders who were scheduled to leave by May 31 will receive an automatic two-month extension plus their 30-day grace period.

Exchange Students Returning Home

Of the 200-250 exchange students at UF, 85% have returned home. Saudi Arabia has recalled its students to return home and is preparing an extradition process for its citizens. UFIC will be able to provide their required verification letter. According to the Chinese Embassy, there are approximately 400,000 students from China in the U.S. with 170,000 undergraduates and 30,000 middle school and high school students. The Chinese government has made chartered travel arrangements to have the secondary education students return to China first, followed by undergraduates and graduate students. The Chinese government has also sent out COVID-19 relief packages to its citizens in the U.S. that include masks and other items to keep them safe.

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Rescheduled: Spring Seminar on International Activities – Hot Topics and Best Practices

The expectations related to disclosure and participation in international activities are changing rapidly. In this forum, Speakers will discuss all facets of international activities including sponsored research, international collaborations, and outside activities. They will provide tips for building and nurturing international collaboration while ensuring compliance with UF and sponsor policies, regulations, and expectations. This will be an interactive session with examples and opportunities for questions.

Monday, May 11, 2020
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Zoom Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkd-mpqDkoGd05wcKxI49pliTlN1ZDpk5f

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R4I@UF Website Launch

UF’s new R4I@UF website is now live. The website is meant to be a resource for Rigorous Reproducible Responsible Research Integrity at UF https://research.ufl.edu/rcr/. The website has a variety resources on various research topics including Research Misconduct, Protection of Human Subjects, Data Management Practices and Rigor & Reproducibility. Additionally, every month you will find a new case study. These cases are meant to assist faculty, staff, and research teams in facilitating ongoing discussions about responsible research. As a reminder, if you have not already done so, please take the 2-minute survey and provide feedback on the RCR course offerings this summer. Please take the survey by clicking here.

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Increasing Video Meeting Security

Utilizing meeting passwords when using a video collaboration tool greatly increases the security of a video meeting. To enhance the security of Zoom, one of the most popular video collaboration tools at UF, UFIT has changed the service’s default setting to require passwords for each meeting created. As of 5:00 p.m. on May 5, all new meetings generated with UF Zoom automatically have a password set. If necessary, meeting owners will still be able to turn the password setting off for individual meetings prior to the start of a meeting using the “Edit this Meeting” button. Learn more about the “Edit this Meeting” button and other important meeting options settings on the https://ufl.zoom.us/ website.

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Awarded Projects for April 2020

Congratulations to Chris Curran for his award from the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida; Justin Ortagus and Isaac McFarlin for their award from the Helios Education Foundation; Ashley Pennypacker Hill for her award from the Florida Department of Education; and Zuchao Shen and Walter Leite for their award from the Spencer Foundation.

For more details, see the Awarded Projects table.

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Submitted Projects for April 2020

Best wishes to Chris Curran for his proposal to the National Institute of Justice; Maya Israel for her proposals to the National Science Foundation; Angela Kohnen and Kara Dawson for their proposal to Facebook; Joni Splett, Jason Nance, Sarah Lynne, and Jennifer Doty for their proposal to the National Institute of Justice; Philip Poekert for his proposal to the National Institute of Justice; Philip Poekert and Pengfei Zhao for their proposal to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Paige Pullen and Philip Poekert for their proposal to Pinellas County; Paige Pullen and Philip Poekert for their proposal to the Charleston County School District; Wanli Xing and Zhihui Fang for their proposal to the National Science Foundation; and Yier Jin, Wanli Xing, and Sharon Chuyew Yee for their proposal to the National Science Foundation.

For more details, see the Submitted Projects table.

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Waiver Authorities and Other Flexibilities Available to the U.S. Department of Education in Responding to COVID-19

A 2019 Congressional Research Service (CRS) report describes Education-Related Flexibilities, Waivers, and Federal Assistance in Response to Disasters that the U.S. Department of Education (U.S. ED) has available to address issues related to COVID-19. The U.S. ED Office of Postsecondary Education recently issued Guidance for Interruptions of Study Related to Coronavirus (COVID-19) explaining flexibilities regarding online education for students whose instruction has been interrupted.

Please also see the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) webpage Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for IES Grantees.

U.S. ED continues to update https://www.ed.gov/coronavirus with information for students, parents, educators, and local leaders about how to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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U.S. Department of Education Announces Funding Flexibilities to Support Technology Infrastructure and Teacher PD During COVID-19 National Emergency

U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has announced a new streamlined process for providing states funding flexibilities to meet the needs of students and educators during the COVID-19 national emergency. Authorized under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security CARES Act, the flexibilities allow schools to repurpose existing K-12 education funds for technology infrastructure and for professional development for teachers who are teaching remotely. Any state may complete a brief form available at https://oese.ed.gov/, and it will receive an initial determination within one business day. Read more

U.S. Department of Education Seeks Comments on New Rules to Govern Distance Learning for Higher Education Students

U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has proposed new rules that would govern distance learning for higher education students. Work on the proposed Distance Learning and Innovation regulation started more than a year ago; however, the COVID-19 National Emergency emphasizes the need for all educational institutions to have a robust capacity to teach remotely.

Please submit comments by May 4, 2020 via the Federal eRulemaking Portal or via postal mail, commercial delivery, or hand delivery. Comments will be made available for public viewing. Read more

From the IES Director: IES in a Time of Pandemic

The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Director Mark Schneider has published a blog post on IES activities and resources in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. He discusses many topics including the recent What Works Clearinghouse Rapid Evidence Synthesis to generate high-quality information about what works in distance education. To read the complete blog, see IES in a Time of Pandemic by Mark Schneider, Director of IES, March 31, 2020.

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Join National Experts for a WWC Webinar on Using Technology to Support Postsecondary Student Learning

The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) will host a webinar featuring expert panelists who created the Using Technology to Support Postsecondary Student Learning Practice Guide.

To register for the event, please click here.

April 9, 2020
3:30 – 4:30 pm EDT

If you cannot attend the live event, register to be notified when the webinar archive is available. Read more

NIH Late Application Policy, Administrative Flexibilities, and FAQs Related to COVID-19

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently updated its Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients website with additional FAQs and new funding opportunities. In response to community concerns about the ability to submit applications in a timely manner, the NIH has published Notice Number: NOT-OD-20-091 announcing that grant applications submitted late for due dates between March 9, 2020, and May 1, 2020, will be accepted through May 1, 2020. This notice applies to all relevant funding opportunity announcements, including those that indicate no late applications will be accepted. Read more

Reminder: NIH FORMS-F Grant Application Forms and Instructions Must Be Used for Due Dates On or After May 25, 2020

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has issued a reminder Notice Number: NOT-OD-20-077 stating that FORMS-F Grant Application Forms and Instructions must be used for due dates on or after May 25, 2020. FORMS-E application packages must continue to be used for due dates on or before May 24, 2020 (see NOT-OD-20-026 for details). Read more

COVID-19 Guidance for the NSF Community

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has issued Important Notice No. 146 to the Community Regarding COVID-19. NSF has also issued additional guidance on NSF’s implementation of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum (M-20-17), entitled, Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to Loss of Operations. NSF has implemented flexibilities authorized by OMB from specific administrative, financial management, and audit requirements contained in 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.

Any questions about the policies described in the NSF guidance should be directed to policy@nsf.gov. Questions specific to a particular award should be directed to the cognizant NSF Program Officer. NSF is working to update existing FAQs and other resources to reflect NSF’s new guidance and will keep you informed on its website at nsf.gov/coronavirus.
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NSF Releases Approved Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support Formats

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced the availability of both NSF-approved formats for the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support sections that fall under the revised Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 20-1) (see the February 6, 2020 webinar for complete details on all revisions to the PAPPG). Although use of an NSF-approved format for submission of these proposal sections is not required until June 1, 2020, NSF is encouraging proposers to begin using the NSF-approved formats now.

NSF-Approved Formats

SciENcv: NSF has partnered with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to use SciENcv: Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae as an NSF-approved format for use in preparation of both the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support sections of an NSF proposal. SciENcv will produce an NSF-compliant PDF version of the documents which proposers can save and submit as part of their proposals via FastLane, Research.gov, or Grants.gov. Additional information about the NSF-approved SciENcv formats is available on the NSF biographical sketch and current and pending support webpages.

NSF Fillable PDF: NSF is also providing a fillable PDF as an NSF-approved format for use to prepare both the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support sections of an NSF proposal. Proposers can download the respective fillable PDF form from the NSF biographical sketch and current and pending support webpages and then submit the completed forms as part of their proposals via FastLane, Research.gov, or Grants.gov. Read more