Awarded Projects for September 2015

College of Education
Awarded Projects
September 2015
Principal Investigator: Pavlo “Pasha” Antonenko (STL)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Project Title: EAGER: Collaborative Research: Cyber-Eye: Empowering Learning through Remote Visualizations Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
Project Period: 9/1/2015 – 8/31/2017
Award Amount: $58,145
Principal Investigator: Pavlo “Pasha” Antonenko (STL)
Co-PI: Andreas Keil (Psychology)
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Project Title: SL-CN: Project LENS: Leveraging Expertise in Neurotechnologies to Study Individual Differences in Multimedia Learning
Project Period: 9/15/2015 – 8/31/2018
Award Amount: $765,000
Principal Investigator: Michael Bowie (RRMA)
Co-PI: Nancy Waldron (Administration, Dean’s Area)
Funding Agency: Florida Department of Education
Project Title: College Reach-Out Program (CROP)
Project Period: 8/1/2015 – 7/31/2016
Award Amount: $71,290
Principal Investigator: Alice Kay Emery (SSESPECS)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Florida Department of Education
Project Title: Working with the Experts 2015-2016
Project Period: 8/1/2015 – 7/31/2016
Award Amount: $240,000
Principal Investigator: Ashley Pennypacker Hill (P.K. Yonge)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Florida Department of Education
Project Title: IDEA, Part B
Project Period: 7/1/2015 – 6/30/2016
Award Amount: $241,268
Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert (Lastinger Center for Learning)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: The Children’s Trust of Miami
Project Title: University of Florida Early Childhood Technical Assistance Certification: Coaching Program
Project Period: 9/1/2015 – 6/30/2016
Award Amount: $30,000
Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert (Lastinger Center for Learning)
Co-PI: Susan Butler (STL), Walter Leite (SHDOSE)
Funding Agency: Florida Department of Education
Project Title: Mathematics and Science Partnership – Palm Beach
Project Period: 7/1/2015 – 6/30/2016
Award Amount: $500,000
Principal Investigator: Donald Pemberton (Lastinger Center for Learning)
Co-PI: Alyson Adams (STL)
Funding Agency: University of Florida Foundation
Project Title: Coalition Building across Stakeholders to Connect Disparate Elements of Initiatives to Support Effective Teaching into One Coherent System
Project Period: 10/2/2014 – 10/1/2016
Award Amount: $351,102

Submitted Projects for September 2015

College of Education
Submitted Projects
September 2015
Principal Investigator: Andrew Thomas (SHDOSE)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Minnesota Sports and Entertainment
Proposal Title: Modern Statistical Methods for Professional Ice Hockey
Requested Amount: $5,000
Principal Investigator: David Therriault (SHDOSE)
Co-PI: Chang-Yu Wu (Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment)
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Proposal Title: Collaborative Research: Ambiguity as Choice: Role of Ambiguity During Ill-Structured Problem-Solving in Engineering
Requested Amount: $796,847
Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert (Lastinger Center for Learning)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: The Children’s Trust of Miami
Proposal Title: University of Florida Early Childhood Technical Assistance Certification: Coaching Program
Requested Amount: $30,000
Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert (Lastinger Center for Learning)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Promethean
Proposal Title: Promethean/UF Turnaround School Leaders Program
Requested Amount: $46,729
Principal Investigator: Carole Beal (STL)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: University of Arizona (Subcontract – NIH Flow Through)
Proposal Title: Improving Language, Improving Math: Strategies for Children with Language Challenges
Requested Amount: $351,415
Principal Investigator: Donald Pemberton (Lastinger Center for Learning)
Co-PI: Alyson Adams (STL)
Funding Agency: University of Florida Foundation
Proposal Title: Coalition Building across Stakeholders to Connect Disparate Elements of Initiatives to Support Effective Teaching into One Coherent System
Requested Amount: $318,168

Join ResearchGate for Free

ResearchGate is a professional online network of 7 million researchers, including 45 Nobel laureates. ResearchGate connects researchers allowing them to share and access scientific output, knowledge, and expertise.

If you are already a member or decide to join, please send your ResearchGate link to Rosie Connolly in OER, so she can add the link to your faculty research profile page.

UF ResearchGate currently has 7,860 members in 244 departments.

  • Share your publications, access millions more, and publish your data.
  • Get statistics about views, downloads, and citations of your research.
  • Connect and collaborate with colleagues, peers, co-authors, and specialists in your field.
  • Ask questions; get answers, and find solutions to research problems.

Join for free:

NIMH Offers Webinar Series for Early Stage Investigators

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is offering a webinar series for early stage investigators. The webinar Building a Competitive Research Program: What Early Stage Investigators Need to Know about the NIMH and NIH Grants Process will be held Sept. 8, 2015 from 8 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (EDT).

This webinar will (1) introduce investigators to the NIMH, (2) highlight current research areas and areas of special interest to the institute, and (3) demystify the NIH application and review process.

This webinar is appropriate for new and early stage investigators, researchers, graduate students, grant administrators, and anyone interested in learning more about mental health research funding opportunities, the NIMH, NIH, and the grants process.

Register now. Space is limited. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity:

ERIC Holds Virtual Town Hall Meeting

ERIC will hold a virtual town hall meeting to discuss proposed changes to how ERIC identifies records as peer reviewed and feedback from the ERIC community on Sept. 15, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. EST. A draft Peer Review Policy has been developed that will extend the peer-reviewed indicator to qualified grey literature, such as conference papers, reports, and other materials.

You can sign up for the town hall meeting at following link:

Standardized Testing: Education Policy and Politics

The rise of standardized testing dominates the discussion and politics surrounding public education. Nathan Crabbe, editorial page editor from The Gainesville Sun, will moderate a panel discussion on this important issue, Sept. 16, 2015 at 6 p.m. in the Pugh Hall Ocora. The event is free and open to the public.

See the Bob Graham Center for Public Service website for more information:

Using Verbal and Nonverbal Communication to Increase Accrual

University of Miami’s Network for Clinical Research Professionals (NCRP), sister organization to the UF Research Coordinators Consortium, will video conference a special program covering the topics of recruitment and accrual on Oct. 8, 2015 in the Health Science Center Library, Communicore Building, First Floor, Lecture Hall Room C1-4. Anyone who is directly involved in research participant recruitment should attend.

What: Using Verbal and Nonverbal Communication to Increase Accrual

Who: Susan E. Morgan, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Research
Director, Center for Communication, Culture, and Change
Professor, Department of Communication Studies University of Miami

When: October 8, 2015

12:00 – 12:15 p.m.   Meet/network with other clinical research staff involved in recruitment
12:15 – 12:45 p.m.   Presentation
12:45 – 1:00 p.m.     Questions, Answers, Discussion
1:00  – 1:30 p.m.      Local UF open discussion on recruitment at UF

Where:  Health Science Center Library, Communicore Building, First Floor, Lecture Hall Room C1-4

Who Should Attend: Anyone who is directly involved in research participant recruitment, including clinical research coordinators, clinical research nurses, and research associates/assistants

UFIRST Proposal Personnel Reports Now Available

UFIRST Proposal Personnel Reports are now available via Enterprise Reporting. The reports are available via Enterprise Reporting>Access Reporting>Sponsored Research Information>UFIRST.

“All Activity by Personnel” provides a listing of all activity by a specified individual or individuals.  It is available in two formats, optimized differently for easy printing to a PDF or exporting to Excel. “All Proposals Role Activity by Home Department” provides a report of all activity by a specified Department. It is also available in two formats, Excel and PDF.

More standardized reports will be released as they become available later this summer and fall.

Raw UFIRST data is also available in the “UFIRST Data” folder and you are free to export to Excel and build reports tailored to your local needs. (For ease, view in Excel 2007 Format and Save As a new file on your personal computer).

Raw UFIRST data is also available via Query Studio and you are free to build queries and reports as needed. Access to Query Studio does require training and an additional security role.

A Data Dictionary is also available for assistance in understanding the data elements included in the raw data.

If you are having issues accessing the reports, please contact the UF Computing Help Desk (392-HELP). For questions about the data or future UFIRST reporting suggestions, please contact Lisa Stroud in the Office of Research.

Training Now Available for Submissions via UFIRST SF424

Training sessions are now available and are strongly recommended for UF faculty and staff who are involved in the development of federal grant applications for submission to via the Cayuse system.

After Sept. 30, 2015, Cayuse will no longer be available to the UF community. UFIRST SF424 will replace Cayuse for submission of grant applications.

Course listings are published on the HR web site. You can enroll directly from this page:

Course Code: RSH281

Course Name: Submissions via UFIRST SF424

Course Description:  This course is designed for those who will be developing or coordinating applications to Federal Grant Programs for submission via UFIRST to It outlines how to create the SF424 Application Package from the UFIRST Proposal, import subawards, update the SF424 Application Package after changes have been made to the UFIRST Proposal, and notify DSP that the UFIRST Proposal and SF424 Application Package are ready for final review, approval, and submission to

A DSP Reminder: Other Sponsored Activities

In an attempt to provide clarity as to which projects meet the definition of “Other Sponsored Activity” for the application of the University’s appropriate facilities and administration (F&A) rate, the Division of Sponsored Programs provides the following information.

Other sponsored activities includes programs and projects that involve the performance of work other than instruction and organized research. This includes the following:

  • Public service projects, such as sponsored health and/or community service projects, legal clinics and public information services
  • Symposia, workshops, seminars and conferences that DO NOT meet guidelines for instruction, research training, or research
  • Support for public events
  • Support library collections, acquisitions, bibliographies or cataloging collections
  • Extension services
  • Field trials
  • Program evaluation, which is defined as an award to evaluate a sponsor’s program or a sponsor-designated program. If an evaluation award includes actual performance of plans to improve, modify or develop a program that has been evaluated, and the majority of the work under an award is for these activities, the award should be classified under the appropriate activity category of Instruction or Research (i.e., whichever best reflects the actual performance).
  • Contract-for-service activities, such as material testing agreements or fee-for-service agreements (unit provides a routine service as part of its normal business operations). Animal clinical trials may fall under this category if they meet the controls listed below.
    • Note that work providing analysis of the results or any inquiry, experiment or investigation to increase the scholarly understanding of the involved discipline is not testing but is research. Keys include:
      • How controlled is the protocol? Did the sponsor provide detailed protocols for completing the testing from which deviation is not allowed?
      • What is the deliverable UF is providing? Is it simply the data from the testing or is UF providing reports leveraging faculty or staff knowledge of the industry that is not generally available and adds to the understanding of the data or the overall discipline.

A DSP Reminder: Participant Support Costs

Participant support costs are defined by Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200.75 as direct costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances, and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with conferences or training projects.

Participant support costs are excluded from the modified total direct cost (MTDC) base when calculating facilities and administration (F&A) costs.

This category is NOT used for the following, unless specifically allowed by sponsor written instructions or sponsor prior approval:

  • For general travel to conferences or to bring collaborators together to meet and discuss the project
  • For payments to participants in human subject research studies
  • For any other purpose or for non-participant support categories of expense

A separate project will be established for Participant Support Costs:

When an award is received that includes participate support costs, a separate project must be established to separately account for the participant support costs.

Agency Guidance:

NSF Guidance: Participant Support II.C.2.g(v), II.D.9

Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200.75

NIH Guidance: For the purposes of Kirschstein-NRSA programs, this term does not apply. NIH will continue to use the terms trainees, trainee-related expenses, and trainee travel in accordance with NRSA Regulations.

Questions may be directed to

Research Event in October: Brown Bag Lunch with Dr. Pedro Noguera

Brown Bag Lunch

with Dr. Pedro Noguera, Distinguished Professor of Education in the Graduate School of Education and Information Sciences at UCLA

Friday, October 16, 2015
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Terrace Room

Dr. Noguera’s research focuses on the ways in which schools are influenced by social and economic conditions, as well as by demographic trends in local, regional, and global contexts.

For more information, see

Cookies and refreshments will be provided. RSVP to Rosie Connolly,, by 4:30 p.m., October 13.

Research Event in October: Grant Writing Workshop

Grant Writing Workshop: Writing Grant Proposals

with Kenneth T. Henson professor of education at The Citadel—The Military College of South Carolina

The Writing Grant Proposals workshop will be offered on the following dates:

Tuesday, October 20, 2015
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Terrace Room

Wednesday, October 21, 2015
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Terrace Room

The Writing Grant Proposals workshop offers practical suggestions from an experienced grant writer who has written numerous grants ranging from a few hundred dollars to over a million dollars each. The workshop is designed for beginning writers and experienced writers who wish to increase their acceptance rate on future proposals. Unlike the many workshops that simply discuss grant writing, this workshop is all nuts and bolts: Do this and get these results. Workshop participants will discover how to give proposals the spark that makes them irresistible. Workshop topics include learning how to apply the same test that evaluators use for ranking proposals, developing an effective writing style, learning how to design a budget, and examining successful proposals and the specific qualities that made them more attractive than all the competition. Participants will also learn to avoid the one mistake that causes the most rejections, to turn limitations into strengths, and to identify their own unique circumstances and use these to strengthen their proposals.

Coffee and Danish pastry will be provided. RSVP to Rosie Connolly,, by 4:30 p.m., October 19.

For more information, see the Writing Workshops brochure.

Awarded Projects for August 2015

College of Education
Awarded Projects
August 2015
Principal Investigator: Maureen Conroy (AZCEECS/SSESPECS)
Funding Agency: US Department of Education/OSEP
Project Title: Preparing Leaders in Early Childhood Studies and Implementation Science – Project PLECS-IS
Project Period: 5/16/2015 – 5/15/2019
Award Amount: $995,218
Principal Investigator: Kara Dawson (STL)
Co-PI: Pavlo “Pasha” Antonenko (STL), Linda Lombardino (SSESPECS), Albert Ritzhaupt (STL), Carole Beal (STL), Andreas Keil (Department of Psychology)
Funding Agency: UF Division of Sponsored Programs
Project Title: Converging Behavioral and Psychophysiological Measures: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Multimedia Learning Conditions with Dyslexic Learners
Project Period: 8/16/2015 – 8/24/2017
Award Amount: $85,458
Principal Investigator: T. Griffith Jones (STL)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: National Math and Science Initiative
Project Title: Hybrid (in-person and online) Induction and Professional Development Model for STEM Teachers and Coaches
Project Period: 7/1/2015 – 6/30/2017
Award Amount: $61,450
Principal Investigator: Ashley MacSuga-Gage (SSESPECS)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: University of South Florida
Project Title: Florida Positive Behavior Project
Project Period: 3/31/2015 – 8/31/2015
Award Amount: $25,000
Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert (Lastinger Center for Learning)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Early Learning Coalition Miami-Dade/Monroe
Project Title: Community of Practice Apprenticeship Support Program (C15-113)
Project Period: 8/1/2015 – 6/30/2016
Award Amount: $62,080
Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert (Lastinger Center for Learning)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Early Learning Coalition Miami-Dade/Monroe
Project Title: Professional Service Agreement (PSA15-42)
Project Period: 8/1/2015 – 6/30/2016
Award Amount: $21,687.78
Principal Investigator: Patricia Snyder (AZCEECS/SSESPECS)
Funding Agency: Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
Project Title: Embedded Instruction Pilot Grant – California
Project Period: 7/1/2015 – 6/30/2016
Award Amount: $300,000


Submitted Projects for August 2015

College of Education
Submitted Projects
August 2015
Principal Investigator: Catherine Atria (P.K. Yonge)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Florida Department of Education
Proposal Title: District Instructional Leadership and Faculty Professional Development
Requested Amount: $7,835
Principal Investigator: Carole Beal (STL)
Co-PI: Donald Pemberton (Lastinger Center for Learning), George Michailidis (Informatics Institute)
Funding Agency: US Department of Education/IES
Proposal Title: Precision Education: The Virtual Learning Lab
Requested Amount: $8,994,849
Principal Investigator: Nicholas Gage (SSESPECS)
Co-PI: Ashley MacSuga-Gage (SSESPECS)
Funding Agency: US Department of Education/IES
Proposal Title: Project PARTICL: Psychometric Evaluation of an Audio Recording-based Instrument to Assess Teachers’ Implementation of Evidence-Based Classroom Management Skills
Requested Amount: $1,332,283
Principal Investigator: Margaret Kamman (SSESPECS)
Co-PI: Amber Benedict (SSESPECS)
Funding Agency: Spencer Foundation
Proposal Title: Project TOP: Tracking Pre-Service Teachers’ Effective Opportunities to Practice
Requested Amount: $50,000
Principal Investigator: Dennis Kramer (SHDOSE)
Co-PI: Walter Leite (SHDOSE)
Funding Agency: US Department of Education/IES
Proposal Title: An Evaluation of No-Loan Programs on Curricular and Co-Curricular Student Outcomes
Requested Amount: $401,086
Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert (Lastinger Center for Learning)
Co-PI: Donald Pemberton (Lastinger Center for Learning), Thomasenia Lott Adams (OER), Carole Beal (STL), Joy Schackow (STL), Walter Leite (SHDOSE)
Funding Agency: US Department of Education/i3
Proposal Title: Algebra Nation – i3 Validation
Requested Amount: $11,999,916